HDCP Is The Antichrist!
Published Thursday, April 06, 2006 by V | E-mail this post 
Many of my posts are on the long side. The one I’m working on right now is not only long; it’s a certified, venomous rant of an entry. Why the sudden eruption? Four letters. HDCP. High Definition Content Protection… I’ll explain it soon enough, but I believe the acronym is disingenuous, so I’ve come up with suggestions that ring truer to HDCP’s actual intentions.
High Dollar Corporate Piracy
High Dollar Consumer Payout
How Dare Corporations Profit
Hefty Dollar Consumer Price
High Definition Costs Plenty
Heavy Duty Corporate Pressure
Heavy Duty Corporate Piracy
Feel free to add your own. If you’re mystified as to the furor over HDCP, stay tuned. As I said, I’ll explain it all in detail in an upcoming entry. Until then I shall shake my fist and cuss at Intel, those evil architects of doom!
Any new rumor about 2407 ??