Displays*Video Hardware*HDTV*Life

Dell 2407 Rises In The East


Residents of Japan, after 6 week post-order delays, are finally receiving their Dell 2407 monitors. They also get to watch PRIDE and K-1 Mixed Martial Arts events live on free TV (if you don't know what MMA is, check it out).

They reside in a land of a beautiful, ancient cultural heritage. Japan also has a well deserved reputation for technological innovation, quality and design.

The downside? A friend of mine was attending a gathering in a Tokyo bar, and he payed the equivalent of 50 US dollars for one beer and a small bowl of peanuts.

Oh who am I kidding? THERE IS NO DOWNSIDE! They have real, live, brand-spankin' new Dell 2407 24'' LCD monitors. Supposedly the UK will ship these on May 3rd.

The USA? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?...Anyone??

Do the click thing for pics over at WS Gaming Forum

Two more things...First, if there's noticable input lag on these monitors like the Samsung 244t, that will REALLY throw sand in my ice cream, because I was planning on purchasing this bad boy...Second, Japan has swimsuit idols like Megumi, Eiko Koike, and Eriko Sato, and look at the lady on the screen in the picture...Why?

Plum (Wine) HP LP2465 LCD Monitor


The name of this post was going to be "Nucking Futs Cubed", as it succeeds my "Nucking Futs Squared" entry, but I decided that going to the "Nucking Futs" well one too many times is below the intellectual bar I'm trying to set. There are standards here at Tech Anovitas; TWICE (per quarter) is the ABSOLUTE limit on employing catchy phrases I've appropriated from novelty t-shirts while liquored up on plum wine.

(It's a LONG story that involves an excruciating evening, bad sushi and my date's hair catching fire. By the way, do you have ANY idea how much plum wine is required to be properly besotted? Technically, it shouldn't even be classified as an intoxicant, although there should be a warning label affixed, because the amount of sugar one consumes while pursuing intoxication is roughly equal to the export tonnage of certain Latin American countries.)

In the interest of disclosure, phrases I've collected from novelty t-shirts while sober may be used at any time. When my mind is sharp I'm likely to wander through better neighborhoods, and rich people seem to wear shirts with more ironic, enduring witticisms.

Oh, by the way, the HP LP2465, mentioned in the above-(and below)mentioned "Nucking Futs Squared" post, is available...In the UK. What? You didn't think I was going to discuss a product ACTUALLY AVAILABLE in the States, did you? The pictures previously posted of the LP2465 were wrong, they were pics of a Belinea monitor. My apologies, and I can't even blame that error on plum wine. Here's a small, blurry, but correct pic of the HP...

Well, I'm excited (despite the approximate $1300 USD price), because this may signal the domino-like releases of the Dell 2407, the 23'' NEC and Apple offerings, and the Samsung 245t. I know some of you will be disappointed that it's a P-MVA panel and not an updated version of the 23'' S-IPS HP LP2335, but let's wait on some reviews before passing judgement.

Again, check out xtknight's excellent LCD buying guide on Anandtech for more info on panel types and such.

This monitor should be HDCP compliant too. I'll provide an update on that ASAP.

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