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"Gimme a Blender, A Beach Chair, And A Custom PC"

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Wal-Mart is going to add a "build-it-yourself" computer counter to its stores in the near future. They already sell pre-packaged PCs, but now consumers will apparently have more choices.

Think Alienware, and especially its new daddy, Dell is gettin' a mite nervous? I'm sort of kidding about boxes with Alienware-assembled guts being affected much, but its parent company makes their cashola on less performance heavy systems...

According to the article (linked in the first line above), Dell makes most of its money selling computers to businesses rather than individuals, but you can't tell me that Wal-Mart's price-cutting practices aren't making a company like Dell take a few glances over its collective shoulder. Dell has a reputation for relatively low prices on made-to-order bundles, Wal-Mart has a reputation for creating mass bankruptcies in entire business sectors. Like the article says, Wal-Mart sold laptops for $398 USD last year, and most general computer users WILL buy solely on price.

What does any of this have to do with high-def displays? Well, Wal-Mart also sells a certain mid-to-lower end selection of HDTV sets.

I don't recall ever being in a Wal-Mart, but if they start upgrading their line of HDTV gear, and proceed to do the Wal-Mart hack'n'slash with the ol' pricetags, there may be some deals to be had. I'll look into it and keep everyone posted...

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