To Buy Or Not To Buy? Revisions and Decisions
Published Wednesday, May 31, 2006 by V | E-mail this post 
I’d like to thank the people from Japan, Australia, and The UK who have taken the time to share information about the 2407 on various forums (WS Gaming Forum and Hard Forum especially). There have been reports from individual users who have indeed received the rumored A01 and even A02 panels; Dell seems to have corrected the color banding and text blurring issues in “desktop” mode. There are varying theories on how they accomplished this, but suffice it to say that there was banding and “fuzzy” text in the pre-set “desktop” mode, and now there isn’t. This “fix” appears to be consistent with “stick-over” revisions (where an A01 or A02 label was placed over an A00 original) and new-issue monitors. As of yet, the Dell 2407 IS NOT available in the USA or Canada, so it’s not clear which revision the initial release will be.
In reading user reviews of the 2407, you’ll find claims of 10 to 40ms of lag, but these results are always (as far as I know) obtained by testing 2 or 3 monitors with a stopwatch application. This method will show that under certain circumstances the 2407 will lag more or less than the monitor it’s being compared to, but unless some “0” lag device is used as a control, a definitive, objective lag time can’t be arrived at. It does seem that there is “often” less lag on the 2407 than on the 2405. We’ll wait for more user reviews. Manufacturer "lag" claims have a lot to do with marketing, so stated numbers don't tell the whole story.
Another complaint revolves around 1080i display over component input. Gamers have reported that 1080i is not possible over component (720p is available), whereas it was possible on the 2405. We’re waiting for the final word on that. However, if this is indeed a problem, it WILL NOT affect viewing video from your PC, as your video card is probably fully capable of 1080i output and your monitor probably has adequate resolution for it. This issue applies to component input, which gamers are using for consoles like xBox 360.
Another note on the 24’’ LCD front is the availability and price drop (to $869 USD) of the HP LP2465. Granted, there are people screaming bloody murder that the LP2465 can’t be considered an update over the L2335 because it utilizes a more “cost-effective” P-MVA panel rather than S-IPS, but I’m curious to see what owners will say about HP’s latest offering. Furthermore, IT IS HDCP compliant, for those that have been asking. It DOES NOT have component inputs (gamers take note), instead opting for
twin DVI. Good price, but is it a result of the impending 2407 release or a comment on its quality. We shall see…
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