Dell 2407: "Go West..." PLEASE!
Published Thursday, May 18, 2006 by V | E-mail this post 
Sometime around 1851, a famous editorial encouraged westward expansion in the United States...Oh I'm too tired right now, let's just cut to the chase...The idea is that good things from the east went west, or something like that (I'm sure the Indians have slightly differing opinions on this)...
[Insert own Segway]As we all know, the Dell 2407 first appeared in Japan, and we're still eagerly awaiting its arrival on our western shores. Also well known among enthusiasts are the reported problems with text shadowing, color banding, and downward conversions of HD content in component input mode. These early reports have been referred to in my other posts...
Good news
may be afoot, but American customers might have to wait for June for confirmation; It appears Dell has been working on some of these issues. Although an A01 revision doesn't yet exist, a firmware upgrade on A00 panels seems to address the text shadowing and banding.
I'll read up on it when I'm not sick and lazy; in the meantime, check out the massively informative
WS Gaming Forum Thread on it. Take some time too, because I know we all had high hopes for the 2407, and reports of its demise before its debut were depressing.
Here's to hoping future revisions bring forth an excellent product. I'll be the first to shout from the highest rooftops that despite initial reviews, the 2407 has lived up to its promise.
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